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Museum Of Milan-hotel Dateo

MUSEUMS OF MILAN Milan Museums | Culture | Mostre| Eventi??MUSEI OF MILANO??PINACOTECA OF BRERA?Milano - via Brera, 28 - Tel. 02/722631?(prenotazioni 0283421146)?www.brera.beniculturali.it??E´; one of the more important Museums of Europe: it accommodates richest?collezioni of the Italian Painting from the XIV to the XX secolo.?Alcuni capolavori: the "SHOVEL of FEDERICO di MONTEFELTRO?di PIERO Of the FRANCESCA, the" DEAD CHRIST "of ANDREA MANTEGNA and" SPOSALIZIO Of the VERGINE "of RAFFAELLO.?Sono exposed also works of BELLINI, LOTTERY, TIZIANO?BRAMANTE, RUBENS, HAYEZ, GREEK EL and CARAVAGGIO.?L´ Modern Art is rapresentata from collection JESI with opere?di MODIGLIANI, BOCCIONI, SEVERINI, BALE, MORANDI, BRAQUE?PICASSO.???Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 8.30-19.30?chiuso monday CENACOLO VINCIANO?Milano - p.zza Saint Maria of Thanks, 2?Tel.02/4987588 obligatory -?Prenotazione tel. 02/89421146?www.cenacolovinciano.org??Uno of the paintings more celebrates to the world realized from LEONARDO?DA WINS between 1494 and 1498, on a wall of the refectory of the?Convento of DOMINICAN of SAINT MARIA Of the GRAZIE.?L´ execution, the environmental conditions them and the vicissitudes storiche?hanno determined in the course of the centuries a serious degradation of the work?documentato already to little years from its conclusione.?Nel time are succeduti numerous restorations, the last one of which?concluso in 1999 and lead with the most dawned metodologie?scientifiche, has recovered it originates them them color drawings up and has removed, ove?posssibile, the ridipinture overlapped in the several interventi.?La protection of the capolavoro leonardesco demands condizioni?ambientali of the air?nonchè particular procedures for the access of the visitors?ammessi in groups of 25, every 15 minuti.???Orario?da tuesdays to Sunday 8.15-18.45?chiuso monday? CASTLE SFORZESCO and CIVIC MUSEUMS Of the CASTELLO?Milano - Sforzesco Castle, p.zza Castello?Tel. 02/88463703 - www.milanocastello.it??Il CASTLE SFORZESCO is one of monuments more?significati to you of the city and the Lombardy, beloved to from Milan?e famous to the tourists of the all mondo.?Con its seven centuries of history, the SFORZESCO?costituisce CASTLE the extraordinary testimony of the times gloriosi?e of the dramatic moments us of Milan: in the second the 400 half of?divenne one of the sfarzose courts europee.?Attualmente accommodates the museums: of ANCIENT ART, PINACOTECA?EGIZIO, Of PREISTORIA and PROTOSTORIA, of the DECORATIVE LIMBS, degli?STRUMENTI MUSICAL, of PRESS "ACHILLE BERTARELLI"?ARCHIVIO FOTOGRAFICO.?Qui have center moreover: ARCHAEOLOGICAL and NUMISMATIC LIBRARY, HISTORICAL?ARCHIVIO and LIBRARY TRIVULZIANA, LIBRARY Of ART and?RACCOLTA VINCIANA.?Fra the capolavori: "IT KNOWS IT Of the AXIS" devised from LEONARDO FROM YOU GAIN e?la celeberrima "PIETA´ RONDANINI" of MICHELANGELO, the last work?rimasta incompiuta, of large the artista.????Orario?Cortili: every day 08.00-20.00?Musei from tuesday to Sunday 9.30-17.30?chiuso monday PINACOTECA AMBROSIANA?Milano - p.zza Devout XI, 2 -?Tel. 02/806921 - www.ambrosiana.it??E´; the most ancient from Milan museum, opened in 1618 thanks to donazione?del the CARDINAL FEDERICO BORROMEO and arrichito from successes to you lasciti.?Sono visible capolavori which "MUSICO" of LEONARDO FROM YOU WIN?la "MADONNA Of the PAVILION" of SANDRO BOTTICELLI, " CARDBOARD WITH the SCHOOL OF ATENE "of RAFFAELLO," CANESTRA OF FRUIT "of CARAVAGGIO and paintings of?TIZIANO.???Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 10.00-17.30?chiuso monday? MUSEUM TEATRALE "To the SCALA"?Milano - Scala?Tel public square. 02/88797473 - www, teatroallascala.org??Rappresenta one of the most prestigious teatrali museums europei:?ospita immense collections of pictures, miniature, autograph, scenografie?manifesti that document the history of the spettacolo.?Qualora are not in course tests or shows it is possible to admire?da a theater box, the splendid one knows it of the considered Theatre one of more?celebri to mondo.???Orario?da the monday to Sunday 09.00-12.30 - 13.30-17.30? VILLA BELGIOIOSO BONAPARTE - MUSEUM Of The OTTOCENTO?Milano - Via Palestro, 16?Tel. 02-76002819 - www.villabelgiojosobonaparte.it???Unico example to Milan of villa-museum, splendid building neoclassico?circondato from garden, with most elegant and refined sale.?Sono exposed works of period NEOCLASSICO and the ROMANTICISMO?fino to the SCAPIGLIATURA, the DIVISIONISMO and the REALISMO.?Le three precious collections "VISMARA", "MARINE NAVY" and "GRASSI"?vantano between the capolavori sculptures of CANOVA, paintings of HAYEZ, SEGANTINI?PREVIATI, PELIZZA OF VOLPEDO, MEDARDO, RED, MORANDI, BALE, BOCCIONI.???Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 9.00-17.30?chiuso mondays NATIONAL MUSEUM Of SCIENCE and TECNOLOGIA"leonardo FROM YOU GAIN"?Milano - via S. Vittore, 21 -?Tel. 02/485551 - www.museoscienza.org??Uno of the greater tecno-scientific museums of the world: it guards a immenso?patrimonio constituted give beyond 10000 reperti that they tell the history of the?scientifica and technological evolution in many ambiti.?Di particular interest the Pavilion Railway, with majestic locomotive?a vapor that covered Italy and the Sea and air Building, that it accommodates extraordinary historical?esemplari that illustrate the Italian dellamarineria history attraverso?modelli of mercantile ships, military, from peach and diporto.?L to more knows it celebre of the Museum is the Gallery of LEONARDO FROM YOU WIN, where is?possibile to visionare approximately thirty reconstructed models in years 50 interpreting?i designs and the studies that the great artist planned during its soggiorno?a Milan and in the course of interesting its vita.?Molto and amusing the interactive 16laboratori you where visitatore?sperimenta science and technology persona.?Tra these laboratories of robotics, genetics and biotechnologies, leonardo?chimica and matters plastiche.???Orario?da tuesday to friday 9.30-17.00?Sabato, Sunday 09.30-18.30?chiuso monday External SUBMARINE ENRICO TOTI??All´ of the museum is visitabile the famous "TOTI" the first one sottomarino?costruito in Italy after the Second Mondiale.?Varato War in 1967 tells a fragment of the history d?italia, between Cold War?e technological specialization. Draft of a SSK (Submarine Submarine Killer)?destinato to characterize other submarines in the Mar Mediterraneo.?La visits to the inside is an exciting "Immersion" in the underwater fascinating?mondo between periscope, sonar and watertight rooms? CIVIC NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM?Milan - c.so Venice, 55?Phone +39 02/88463337 - www.comune.milano.it???E´; the more important in Italy and one of greater in Europa.?Nelle its 23 knows receives them prestigious and immensest vertebrati collections of?ed invertebrate, of minerals, fossils, entomologia and botanica.?Protagonista are the wonderful show of the nature: to possono?ammirare spectacular pieces, like the complete skeleton of one finner?lungo nearly 20metri, and of an elephant African of proportions enormi.????Orario?da tuesday to friday 9.30-17.00?Sabato, Sunday 09.00-18.00?chiuso monday MUSEUM "POLDI PEZZOLI"?Milano - via Manzoni, 12 -?Tel. 02/794889 - www.museopoldipezzoli.it??Una precious private collection, great Italian pittoriche works from 1400 to 1700?fra which capolavori of VINCENZO FOPPA; GIOVANNI BELLINI; SANDRO BOTTICELLI; ?PIERO Of the FRANCESCA and the famous one "RITRATTO OF CHECKERS" of the POLLAIOLI.?Il museum accommodates numerous collections: antichi glasses of Wall, armors, precious?oggetti of oreficeria, mechanical and solar enamels and jewels, clocks, chinas?sculture, tapestries, peaks and ricami.????Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 10.00-18.00?chiuso mondays? MUSEUM Of FOUNDATION "BAGATTI VALSECCHI"?Milan - Via Saint Spirito, 10?Tel. 02/ 76006132 - www.museobagattivalsecchi.org???Elegante building with atmospheres in style RINASCIMENTALE of large suggestione?dove are precious collections collections of works of art and objects rari.?Si posssono to admire precious Lombardic polittici of the 400, antichi sculptures, terrecotte?mobili and suppelletteli, bronzes, ivories, ceramics and miniature.????Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 13.00-17.45?chiuso mondays? ?Milano USEO DIOCESANO - c.so of Ticinese Door, 95?Tel. 02/89420019 - www.museodiocesano.it??Il Museum is been born for will of the CARDINAL MARIA MARTINI and ospita?il artistic patrimony of the Ambrosiana.?In Diocese exposure religious and liturgici objects, lignee sculptures and works of?BERGOGNONE, MARK Of OGGIONO and VERMIGLIO.?????Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 10.00-18.00?Giovedi 10.00-22.00?chiuso mondays? MUSEUM OF SANT´ EUSTORGICO?Milano NAIL HEAD PORTINARI - p.zza Saint Eustorgico, 1?Tel. 02/89402671 -??La NAIL HEAD PORTINARI is a precious testimony of the Rinascimento?Fiorentino, realized between 1462 and 1468 for wanting of PIGELLO PORTINARI?agente of the Mediceo.?E´ Bench entire decorated from a cycle of frescoes, capolavoro of VINCENZO?FOPPA; to its inside it can be admired ARCHES it of SAINT PETER MARTIRE?opera of GIOVANNI OF BALDUCCIO from Pisa (1338), that it encloses empty?del the Saint one killed from heretical in 1252.??Orario?da the tuesday to Sunday a 10.00-18.00?Giovedi 10.00-22.00?chiuso monday? CIVIC AQUARIUS and IDROBIOLOGICA?Milano STATION - Via gadio, 2?Tel. 02/88465750 - www.acquariocivico.mi.it??Ha center in a splendid palace in Liberty style and is one of the più?antichi Aquarius of mondo.?Sono the present bathtubs with approximately 150 different organisms navy and of sweet water?tropicali and mediterranei.?Una spectacular transparent bridge bathtub "" allows the visitors to admire?i fish from all the angles-shot. ?La immensest library-mediatica of the museum is one between the more important of Italia.????Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 9.00-13.00 - 14.00-17.30?chiuso mondays? CIVIC?Milano ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM - c.so Magenta, 15?Tel. 02/86450011- www.comune.milano.it????Sorge in the complex of the Greater Monastero the whose origins risalgono?al IX sec.d.C.: in the chiostro is visible the only tower of the town-walls made building to?costruire from Emperor MASSIMIANO (fine III sec.d.C)?Il museum possesses rich collections of objects of altomedioevale age?greca, and magnogreca, Etruscan, and of art of the particular GHANDHARA.?Di importance is the roman section, that she testifies the periodo?in which Milan was understood them of the Roman Empire (286-402 d.C).? ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK And ANTIQUARIUM Of The?Milano ROMAN AMPHITHEATER - Via De Amicis, 17?Tel. 02/89400555- www.comune.milano.it??E´; destined to the valorization of the park in which they have been recovered the resti?dell´ annexed AMPHITHEATER ROMANO.?L´ ANTIQUARIUM to the arena it has the task to explain like moreover worked?gli amphitheaters and that one of Milan in particolare.?Raccoglie with of the archaeological ritrovamenti of the quarter. CIVICO MUSEUM Of the?Milano RENAISSANCE - via Borgonuovo, 23?Tel. 02/88464176 - www.museidelcentro.milano.it??Sono exposed cimeli that they go from the first campaign of NAPOLEONE BONAPARTE?in Italy, until the liberation of Rome in the 1870.?Spiccano between the other the memories of the incoronazione of NAPOLEONE to King of Italy e?molti its personal effects, the bureau of GIUSEPPE MAZZINI, souvenir che?ricordano famous to the FIVE DAYS and Garibaldini.????Orario?da objects tuesday to Sunday 09.00-13.00 - 14.00-17.30?chiuso mondays MUSEUM MANZONIANO and HOUSE DI?Milano ALEXANDER MANZONI - via G. Morone, 1?Tel. 02/86460403 - www.museidelcentro.milano.it??Il museum is situated in an elegant historical palace where lived, from 1814 until alla?morte in 1873, one between the more important Italian writers of the XIX sec.?E´ still possible to visit the study and the bedroom of ALEXANDER MANZONI?e to visionare some between its manuscripts and documents through which è?possibile to intuire the personality of scrittore.????Orario?da the tuesday to Sunday 09.00-12.00 - 14.00-16.00?chiuso mondays? CIVIC MUSEUM OF?Milano MILAN - Morando Palace, via Sant´ Andrea, 6?Tel. 02/76006245 - www.museidelcentro.milano.it??E´; accommodated in the halls to the noble plan of an elegant palace settecentesco:?nel museum it is exposed to an interesting document collection, photographies?stmpe, cimeli, sculptures and paintings relating to the ed?urbanistiche artistic vicissitudes of Milano.????Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 14.00-17.30?mostre 09.00-17.30?chiuso mondays? REAL PALACE MUSEUM Of the REGGIA?Milano - Real Palace, p.zza Dome, 12?Tel. 02/860165 - www.comune.milano.it??Vasto neoclassico building of origins a lot antiche.?Le bombs of the 1943 produced to serious damages to the inside distruggendone?le fantastic decorations and precious suppelletteli che?adornavano the saloni.?Ora it is possible to admire some splendid ones knows them recentemente?restaurate.?????Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 09.30-17.30?chiuso mondays MUSEUM Of the TREASURES Of the BASILICA OF SANT´ AMBROGIO?Milano - p.zza Sant´ Ambrogio?Tel. 02/86450895 - www.santambrogio-basilica.it??Il treasure of SANT´ AMBROGIO, one interesting and precious esposizione?di works orafe and others cimeli of particular artistic value and religioso?dal XIII to XIX the century, is conserved in the Basilica more important than Milano.??????Orario?da tuesday to Sunday 09.30-11.45 - 14.30-18.00?chiuso mondays?
Hotel dateo milano - Viale piceno, 33 - 20129 Milano - Tel.02.730857 - fax02-70102037 info@hoteldateo.it - www.hoteldateo.it
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